Feed and Foster Community
Making Delicious, Feel-Good Moments Easy for Everyone
The backbone of our Brand is, and always has been, a commitment to a set of core values that define who we are and how we run our business and restaurants. They impact the employee experience we deliver, as well as the relationships we develop with customers, partners, and stakeholders. When we live our values every day and use them to make decisions - big and small – we define McDonald’s as a brand our people, and the people we serve, can trust above all others.
McDonald’s is a people company. We value the people who work for and with us, and the customers who we serve, above all else.
We value diverse perspectives, and we want to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all.
We prioritize safety and wellbeing and believe that everyone working under the Arches is entitled to work in an environment free from harassment, violence, and discrimination.
We prioritize safety and wellbeing and believe that everyone working under the Arches is entitled to work in an environment free from harassment, violence, and discrimination.
We believe that we all have a role to play in creating a safe, respectful, diverse, and inclusive workplace.
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